Welcome to VSP!
At VSP®, our members’ well-being is at the heart of everything we do. As a VSP member, you get personalized care from a local VSP network doctor to help you see well and be well. We believe in the connection between your vision and your overall health.

Creating an account is fast and easy
All you need is the last 4 digits of your SSN or your health plan member number. 
Once you log in, you’ll see your benefits and can view all doctors in your network.

Already have an account?
Get the most from your vision coverage

Using your benefits is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 

1) View your benefits

To ensure you see an in-network eye doctor for your plan, go to vsp.com and click Create an Account to get started. Once you’ve set up your VSP member account, you can easily view your benefits.

2) Find an in-network doctor

It’s easy to find an in-network eye doctor near you by simply clicking this link created especially for Aspire Health Plan!

3) Schedule your eye exam

An annual eye exam is an important window into your overall health. It can help detect signs of not only eye disease, but more than 270 serious health conditions before they progress. Even if you have 20/20 vision, it’s essential to see your eye doctor every year.  
How Healthy are Your Eyes Today?
Did you know eye exams can help detect serious health conditions such as diabetes? 

Check out our Eye Health & Wellness site for eye health tips, Ask an Eye Doctor, the prevention and treatment of common health concerns, how to choose lenses, and more.


  • Call 1.855.492.9028, (TTY: 711) Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., for all time zones to connect with a VSP Member Services Representative with any questions you may have.

Ready to get started?

Reviewed 1/1/2025